
Homeland Security

The purpose of Homeland Security Services is to offer a coordinated and inclusive federal response to large-scale emergencies like terrorist attacks, criminal activities or natural disasters for safeguarding lands, citizens, airports, aircraft and critical infrastructure.

Why Enhance Homeland Security Services?

Homeland security services are significant to any country. India’s internal security is a substantial area for enhancements, and their better enablement can have an optimistic effect on national economic security and public safety. Furthermore, they control unlawful, terrorist, and illegitimate activities, which, if made more precise, can better solve their purpose of security and safety within the country.

Homeland Security Aspects

Homeland security forces in India includes Central Paramilitary Forces (CPMFs), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Military Forces, Assam Rifles, Navy Forces, Central Police Forces, Civil Aviation, Government Agencies, Union Home Ministry and other Departments at Ministry Levels.

Homeland security offers help to prevent likely threats, detect unsafe scenarios and spot unofficial people and the crowd from inflowing in a secured or public premises. If homeland security services are enabled explicitly, it can reduce the likelihood of an insecure condition, illegal actions, or terror threats.


Key Challenges in Surveillance across Homeland Security Services

Reliance on Foreign Manufacturers

There are few security surveillance product vendors who follow the objectives of Make in India, who are one-stop security surveillance solution providers and can comprehensively customize products in one channel to meet different security requirements of Homeland Security Agencies.

Cost Effective Precise Solutions

These products and solutions need to be cost-effective, should be precisely integrated with the existing systems and have to be compliant to fit in the right applications. Also, for creating such products and solutions, you require state of the art infrastructure with in-house resources and the latest technology tools.

Critical Security Surveillance Solutions by Optimized Electrotech

Optimized Electrotech provides diverse range of surveillance products and solutions, which can enhance the operations and add to the security measures offered by Homeland security agencies.

Our Solutions for Homeland Security

Our platforms are rugged and modular, these products have been made to assist Homeland Security forces at all terrains.





Key Benefits of Our Surveillance Products and Solutions


Back and Support Operations

Our security products and solutions back the continuity of homeland security operations across critical infrastructure by rapidly detecting threats.


Secure and Safeguard Infrastructures

They support homeland security teams to secure infrastructures from the unlawful entry or movement of drugs, weapons, unwelcome people and criminals.


Alerts and Notifications to take Speedy Actions

They facilitate quick notifications and alerts to convey risky or dicey scenarios so that homeland security teams can take speedy actions.

Our customized products and solutions meet the critical infrastructure threat mitigations and regulatory necessities. They help in keeping professionals, staff, and common people safeguarded with explicit communications.

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